Post by RandallPost by Keerthi GPost by RandallPost by Keerthi GHi, can anyone suggest how to do record chaining with hash value of previous record for integrity. Suggestions needed
I'm not sure what your requirements truly are here. Could you clarify? Do you have absolute control of access to the ENSCRIBE files through a front end program? ENSCRIBE has no capability (to my knowledge) to enforce what you are asking for within the GUARDIAN APIs. If you want any kind of inter-record consistency, you should be looking at SQL/MP or SQL/MX.
Hi, yes I mean to access the Enscribe file with a standalone program.
Great, but are you wanting to depend on the operating system to enforce content rules for your ENSCRIBE files?
If I were concerned about insuring integrity of the records in a file, my thought would be to include the hash of the record as a field of the record itself. I don't understand your reference to "record chaining". Do you mean you want to be able to find the previous record by using the hash value of that previous record? Would Enscribe's ability to set the positioning mode for accessing a file to read in the reverse direction not provide what you need?
In a situation like this, my first impulse is to ask what problem are you trying to solve. Don't ask me about solutions until you have described the problem.