Memmedaga Memmedov
2022-09-30 06:28:51 UTC
You can understand my problem from subject; "sql cost changing from day to day"
I have a sql statement in cobol program. Yesterday sqlcost was 1030, today is 117. So my programs sometimes run slowly.
I will share two outputs of explain comments. What is the reason? Thanks.
TABLEID has 2 primary key, ID and CUSTOMER.
TABLEID has index ID and DATE.
+>where ID=12345678912
+>browse access;
Query plan 1
SQL request : Select
Plan step 1
Operation 1.0 : Scan
with correlation name TABLEID
Access type : No locks, browse access
Lock mode : Chosen by the system
Column processing : Requires retrieval of 50 out of 50 columns
Access path 1 : Alternate \SYS1.$DISK1.SUBVOL.INDEX1, sequential cache
SBB for reads : Virtual, double buffer
Begin key pred. : ID = 12345678912
End key pred. : ID = 12345678912
Index selectivity : Expect to examine 0.0035% of rows from index
Index pred. : None
Base table pred. : None
Executor pred. : None
Table selectivity : Expect to select 0.0035% of rows from table
Expected row count: 335 rows after the scan
Operation cost : 1030
Total cost : 1030
+>where ID=12345678912
+>browse access;
Query plan 1
SQL request : Select
Plan step 1
Operation 1.0 : Scan
with correlation name TABLEID
Access type : No locks, browse access
Lock mode : Chosen by the system
Column processing : Requires retrieval of 50 out of 50 columns
Access path 1 : Alternate \SYS1.$DISK1.SUBVOL.INDEX1
SBB for reads : Real
Begin key pred. : ID = 12345678912
End key pred. : ID = 12345678912
Index selectivity : Expect to examine 0.0004% of rows from index
Index pred. : None
Base table pred. : None
Executor pred. : None
Table selectivity : Expect to select 0.0004% of rows from table
Expected row count: 37 rows after the scan
Operation cost : 117
Total cost : 117
You can understand my problem from subject; "sql cost changing from day to day"
I have a sql statement in cobol program. Yesterday sqlcost was 1030, today is 117. So my programs sometimes run slowly.
I will share two outputs of explain comments. What is the reason? Thanks.
TABLEID has 2 primary key, ID and CUSTOMER.
TABLEID has index ID and DATE.
+>select * from =TABLEID+>where ID=12345678912
+>browse access;
Query plan 1
SQL request : Select
Plan step 1
Operation 1.0 : Scan
with correlation name TABLEID
Access type : No locks, browse access
Lock mode : Chosen by the system
Column processing : Requires retrieval of 50 out of 50 columns
Access path 1 : Alternate \SYS1.$DISK1.SUBVOL.INDEX1, sequential cache
SBB for reads : Virtual, double buffer
Begin key pred. : ID = 12345678912
End key pred. : ID = 12345678912
Index selectivity : Expect to examine 0.0035% of rows from index
Index pred. : None
Base table pred. : None
Executor pred. : None
Table selectivity : Expect to select 0.0035% of rows from table
Expected row count: 335 rows after the scan
Operation cost : 1030
Total cost : 1030
+>select * from =TABLEID+>where ID=12345678912
+>browse access;
Query plan 1
SQL request : Select
Plan step 1
Operation 1.0 : Scan
with correlation name TABLEID
Access type : No locks, browse access
Lock mode : Chosen by the system
Column processing : Requires retrieval of 50 out of 50 columns
Access path 1 : Alternate \SYS1.$DISK1.SUBVOL.INDEX1
SBB for reads : Real
Begin key pred. : ID = 12345678912
End key pred. : ID = 12345678912
Index selectivity : Expect to examine 0.0004% of rows from index
Index pred. : None
Base table pred. : None
Executor pred. : None
Table selectivity : Expect to select 0.0004% of rows from table
Expected row count: 37 rows after the scan
Operation cost : 117
Total cost : 117