Henrik Paludan-Mørk
2021-06-25 10:29:10 UTC
I am at my wit's end here.
pls consider this query below.
I have asked enform to find certain records, based on the content of the field HR-ID. ENFORM is successful in retrieving the records in question, but when asked to LIST same records, there are no values.
I feel the error might be in the DDL definition of the record vs the file, but i can find no discrepancies. Any hints what can go wrong, please ?
1 * ?dictionary $xxx.yyyyyyyy
5 * ?Assign uaub1 to $xxxx.yyyyyyy.uaub
6 *
7 *
17 * open uauB1;
19 *
37 *
38 * LIST
39 * uaub1.ansnr
47 * uaub1.record-update
47.1 * uaub1.sletdato
47.2 * uaub1.hr-id
47.3 * uaub1.afdnr
48 * where
49 *
55 *
56 * uaub1.hr-id = "M015494"
57 * or uaub1.hr-id = "M014169"
57.1 * or uaub1.hr-id = "M013859"
57.2 * or uaub1.hr-id = "G54297"
57.3 * or uaub1.hr-id = "G54296"
57.4 * or uaub1.hr-id = "G53397"
58 *
59 * ;
------ ------------- -------- -------- -----
13859 19930612
14169 19930612
15494 19930612
53397 19930612
54296 19930612
54297 19930612
pls consider this query below.
I have asked enform to find certain records, based on the content of the field HR-ID. ENFORM is successful in retrieving the records in question, but when asked to LIST same records, there are no values.
I feel the error might be in the DDL definition of the record vs the file, but i can find no discrepancies. Any hints what can go wrong, please ?
1 * ?dictionary $xxx.yyyyyyyy
5 * ?Assign uaub1 to $xxxx.yyyyyyy.uaub
6 *
7 *
17 * open uauB1;
19 *
37 *
38 * LIST
39 * uaub1.ansnr
47 * uaub1.record-update
47.1 * uaub1.sletdato
47.2 * uaub1.hr-id
47.3 * uaub1.afdnr
48 * where
49 *
55 *
56 * uaub1.hr-id = "M015494"
57 * or uaub1.hr-id = "M014169"
57.1 * or uaub1.hr-id = "M013859"
57.2 * or uaub1.hr-id = "G54297"
57.3 * or uaub1.hr-id = "G54296"
57.4 * or uaub1.hr-id = "G53397"
58 *
59 * ;
------ ------------- -------- -------- -----
13859 19930612
14169 19930612
15494 19930612
53397 19930612
54296 19930612
54297 19930612